How many miles has this bike been ridden?
Where is this bike located?
Long Beach, CA
Is this the current model or a previous model?
Current model
What does the fulfillment process for a demo bike look like?
The fulfillment process for a demo bike is different from a new bike because demo bikes are already assembled. Our focus will be on making sure this bike is restored to its best working condition. Any parts with wear and tear, or parts that are close to their limit, will be replaced. The bike will also be fully cleaned and tuned up. (At Propel, we make sure all our demo bikes are in great condition at all times, whether they’ve been purchased or not.)
Will I be getting a new battery(ies) with this bike?
The battery(ies) on demo bikes are well taken care of in accordance with the Bosch eBike Battery Guide. You will not be getting a new battery(ies) with this bike, however, your battery(ies) will be eligible for a 2-year Bosch warranty.
What is the timeline to purchase this bike since it’s already assembled?
When you place your order, the bike enters our fulfillment queue. We will restore it and tune it up once it reaches the top of the queue. From there it will be ready for either pickup or delivery. The fulfillment queue could be one to two weeks long depending on the time of purchase.
What is the warranty for demo bikes?
In terms of warranty, the demo bike will be treated as a new bike.
Do you ship anywhere in the U.S.? Can I pick it up from your location?
This bike is available for pickup at any of our locations (we ship between our locations free of charge) or we can ship it to you directly. Learn more about our shipping options here.
What would be the total charge?
The total cost will include the cost of the bike, the shipping, and the sales taxes (only if you are picking up from our NY & CA locations or shipping a NY or CA addresses).
Do you offer financing?
Yes, we do! For more information, please check out our FAQ page.
Questions about this specific bike?
Please submit them using this link []